10 April 2019

As part of the consultation process for the renewal of the S3 Collective Agreement in 2020, we have posted an online survey to inform us of your priorities on certain themes.
This gathering of data is important because it is your collective agreement: it belongs to you. We cannot not be in a position to determine our union demands without first defining and prioritizing what you want.
This is a difficult process, because we always want to put everything at the top of the list, but we need to prioritize. For example, do we want paid leaves for family and parental responsibilities to be more accessible, or to ensure paid holidays for temporary workers who have worked the last 10 days, regardless of whether or not they are scheduled to return to work ?
Sometimes it’s easier when there are only one or two choices, but when there are five or more that need to be ranked in order of importance, we must weigh the pros and cons. We know we will never achieve consensus in identifying priorities, but there will be trends and guidelines to consider.
Rejecting what Comes in Last?
The purpose of the exercise is not to eliminate demands; we’re not at that stage yet. The objective is to find out what you consider to be the most important. We will submit these demands to the employer party but, as in any negotiation, as negotiations progress a funnel effect always kicks in. The employer party will come to the bargaining table with their own demands and we, with ours. Both parties will have to make choices.
During our discussions with the Comité patronal de négociation, we will need to reach an agreement, but not any price.
Complete the Survey
Complete the Survey. Take the time to read the statements carefully. Don’t rush your choices because a collective agreement can last up to five years! Tell us what you think in the spaces provided. Your contribution is essential.
Pierre Provençal, Vice President of Labour Relations and Professional Affairs