27 April 2022

As part of the Semaine québécoise de la garde scolaire, the CSQ, the CSN, and the FTQ, in association with UQAM’s Service aux collectivités, are inviting school daycare workers and the general public to an evening of discussion on the future of this network which is essential for Quebec schools and work-family balance.
Les services de garde scolaires que nous voulons
(The kind of school daycares we want)
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Free registration and open to the public
Just how important school daycare services are for our society has been proven by the COVID-19 pandemic, services that are acknowledged to be a pillar of work-family balance that play a fundamental role in the overall development of children in Quebec. However, despite the recent update of Quebec’s Educational Childcare Regulation (c.13-3, r.11), the major pitfalls and challenges the service has faced for many years persist. Big questions remain unanswered: how to recognize the true value of what daycare services mean to our public schools? How to attract and retain qualified educators? How can we better support the mission of school daycare services?
This webinar will be an opportunity to discuss the main issues that limit or structure the current and future development of school daycare services, and to discuss prospects for change and improvement.
To initiate the discussion at this event, Nathalie Bigras, professor in the Département de didactique of UQAM and scientific director of the Équipe Qualité des contextes éducatifs de la petite enfance, Nancy Proulx, doctoral student in education at UQAM, and Émilie Vert, doctoral student in sexology at UQAM, will give a presentation on the current state of research on the factors that condition the educational quality of school daycare services.
All those wishing to take part in this virtual activity are invited to complete the following registration form by May 6, 2022: https://uqam.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwuf-iuqDIuE9C_OW4xqkXeDhyv8SFZfhgj
Once you register, you will receive an invitation and a hyperlink to the event which is being held on Zoom.
This activity is free and open to everyone.
This project was carried out within the framework of the UQAM/CSQ/CSN/FTQ Protocol with the support of the Service aux collectivités of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM).