26 February 2018

The Quebec Order of Excellence in Education
The Fédération du personnel de soutien scolaire (FPSS-CSQ) responds to the launch of Quebec Order of Excellence in Education, which aims to honor the dedication of education personnel.
FPSS-CSQ Vice President, Mélanie Renaud, welcomes the fact that this recognition has been extended to all education personnel. “We are pleased to see that the Minister has thought beyond teachers by acknowledging the essential contribution of support staff to educational success. These workers deserve to be recognized.”
Mélanie Renaud believes that the example offered by Minister Proulx is realistic. “The secretary that deals with youngsters who have a headache… There are contributions that are silent and others that make a lot of noise, but all contributions are positive.”
In fact, according to the FPSS-CSQ Vice President: “Support staff perform many tasks and it’s only when we dissect them that we perceive the extent of all the work they accomplish.”
Everyone contributes
The FPSS-CSQ regrets, however, that the Order of Excellence in Education rewards a limited number of people working in the education sector: “We need to value all personnel. It’s wonderful to give medals to a few people, but everyone is deserving. Without the essential contributions of all these people, school would not be what it is!”
Mélanie Renaud is therefore calling on the Minster to recognize this contribution with working conditions that would recognize each and every one of us for our true value.
“For true recognition, the government must make it clear to support staff that they play a significant role in education. More than half of these workers are part-timers and 80% are women. It is therefore urgent to improve these positions in order to reduce their precariousness,” concludes the Vice President of the FPSS-CSQ.
L’article We must recognize everyone’s contributions est apparu en premier sur FPSS-CSQ.