8 May 2020

Today’s announcement by the Deputy Prime Minister at a press briefing startled the Fédération du personnel de soutien scolaire (FPSS-CSQ), as it learned on television that the risk factor associated with COVID-19 has been raised to age 70.
“Many of our members are in their 60s. Many are worried about this turnaround, barely three days before they are scheduled to return to the classroom!”, says FPSS-CSQ President Éric Pronovost. “I seriously question the reasons behind this change. A few hours ago, we were working with a risk factor of 60. Is this announcement somehow related to the lack of staff required in the school sector to meet the 1:10 ratios in daycare, for example? You have to wonder,” says Pronovost.
Solution mode…
For two days now, François Legault’s team has been calling on the public to enter solution mode in dealing with deconfinement. The FPSS-CSQ agrees, as this has in fact been the attitude it has adopted since the onset of the crisis.
But today, with this lowering of the risk factor, the FPSS-CSQ can only deplore the government’s constant flip-flopping since the start of the health crisis. “I understand that we are groping our way forward… we have been more than understanding towards the government from the start, even going so far as to provide them with turnkey solutions! But enough is enough! I want to see the studies that prove that the risk factor is indeed age 70. You cannot change your position on such important issues without facts to support your words. The health of our members and our children is at stake!” according to Éric Pronovost.