21 October 2022

The Fédération du personnel de soutien scolaire (FPSS-CSQ), affiliated with the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ), welcomes the appointment of Bernard Drainville as Quebec Minister of Education.
FPSS-CSQ President Éric Pronovost says, “school support staff are essential, and they should be called upon even more to meet the needs of students, whether in support of teachers, professionals, administrators, parents, students or schools, Quebec schools depend on their support staff.”
There are several projects that need to be pursued to meet the needs of our students. The union leader says, “we have always been agents of change, proposing solutions to the problems we are experiencing. We want to continue to collaborate in advancing education in Quebec.”
Soon, we will be filing our union demands to promote the recruiting and retention of school support staff. People have to want to work in our schools and centers, and Mr. Drainville will be in a position to make this happen. We are hoping for immediate and concrete action from him,” added Mr. Pronovost.
Éric Pronovost concludes by saying, “our public education network would not be what it is without these workers who intervene, day after day, at all levels of our school system. Unfortunately, even today, the 81 job classes represented by the federation are too little known or appreciated. We hope that the new Education Minister recognizes and appreciates the contributions of school support staff.”