7 December 2022

School support staff are reacting to new Minister of Education Bernard Drainville’s lack of recognition of the role they play and how important they are to our schools and centers. They are also asking the Premier for a concrete commitment to making education a priority and proving that school support staff are truly considered a part of education.
A tree of recognition
FPSS-CSQ President Éric Pronovost says, “We want the minister to recognize the essential work performed by everyone involved in education, including school support staff. Their work is vital, and he should take this into account when he talks about schools in Quebec.”
As a symbol of this issue, a tree of recognition was set up in front of the National Assembly. Decorative balls representing the eighty-one school support staff job classes and balls symbolizing recognition were hung on the tree. “We hope he will be able to draw inspiration from this and find the proper words to say in his speeches.”
Workers who make a difference
“Our members accomplish great things and they make a big difference in our schools and centers. They are more than just decorations and the Minister of Education must acknowledge this,” concludes Éric Pronovost.