13 June 2019

The members of the Executive Committee were re-elected at the 5th Congress of the FPSS-CSQ. From left to right: Pierre Provençal, Vice President of Labour Relations and Professional Affairs, Éric Pronovost, President, and Mathieu Couture, Vice President of Communications, the Secretariat and the Treasury.
Over the last few days, we discussed and debated the statutes, regulations, orientations, priorities and strategies that will enable our organization to intervene over the next three years on specific issues and propose concrete solutions.
The theme of the 5th Congress of the Fédération du personnel de soutien scolaire (FPSS-CSQ) “Tomorrow’s challenges, today’s actions!” makes a lot of sense.
To transform these challenges into success, we will need to immediately undertake the actions that will get us there. We accomplished great things over the past few years, seizing every opportunity for support staff to be heard.
To be even more successful, we will need to go further, deepen our professional affairs, strengthen our visibility, grow our organization and constantly negotiate.
More than ever, school support must be essential to education!
Meeting tomorrow’s challenges begins with today’s actions!
Éric Pronovost, President