29 May 2020

Here are some elements that affect school support staff in the Ministry’s latest update of questions and answers.
Case of COVID-19 in a person’s house (Q8 new)
Staff members or students who live under the same roof as someone who is infected may not attend school.
Municipal library in a school (Q9 new)
If the municipal library has its own separate entrance, it may open.
Movement within a school daycare (Q18 new)
From now on, movement between two subgroups may occur. We have decried this situation many times, but it will now be permitted.
The maximum number of students per group remains 15. Unfortunately, the text also says that “as much as possible, the groups should remain the same”. So, we need to make sure that changes are the exception to the rule. Read the blog “Migration is for the birds, not for students!“.
CFERs open as of May 25 (Q35 new)
The Centres de formation en entreprise et récupération (CFER) which offer preparatory work training (FPT) will be allowed to resume their activities.
School daycares on pedagogical days (Q22 and 53 new)
School boards and governing boards may agree to offer daycare services on pedagogical days. It is a local decision. The ratio remains 1:15.
Disinfection of General Adult Education examination materials (Q51 and Q52 new)
During General Adult Education exams, reference materials and papers must be disinfected, handwashing must be frequent and respiratory etiquette respected. Wearing of gloves and masks is encouraged.
Use of school premises for day camps (Q68 new)
This decision rests with the school board.
Loss of salary when quarantined after returning from a trip and not teleworking (Q155 new)
Any such person who cannot telework will have to use a leave of absence to cover their 14-day quarantine.
Reimbursement of travel expenses between two schools (Q156 new)
This must be negotiated locally between the union and the school board.
First aid certificates that are about to expire (Q159 new)
It is not possible to renew a first aid certificate due to the health crisis. School boards must be flexible with those who already have a certificate that is about to expire. New daycare staff, however, cannot be hired without this requirement.