28 June 2023

We want to work full-time to:
- Help all the students who need it.
- Provide a continuity of direct services to students from the classroom to daycare.
- Improve the attraction and retention of staff to ensure more rigorous follow-ups.
- Promote the mentoring of new employees.
Sign the petition on the website of the National Assembly.
CONSIDERING the current shortage of school support staff;
CONSIDERING THAT the average number of hours school support staff work per week is insufficient, particularly for those providing direct services to students, with 70 % holding precarious employment;
CONSIDERING THAT students have been lacking services for years;
CONSIDERING THAT the solution to the shortage of school support staff can be found in our schools;
CONSIDERING THAT school support staff are committed to academic success;
We, the signatories, are asking the Québec Government to ensure that school support staff are given the opportunity to have full-time work schedules of 35 hours per week, in order to meet the needs of our students.
Sign the petition on the website of the National Assembly.