13 June 2021

The FPSS-CSQ announces an agreement in principle for English school board members
The Fédération du personnel de soutien scolaire (FPSS-CSQ) announces that it has reached an agreement in principle on sectorial issues with the Comité patronal de négociation pour les commissions scolaires anglophones (CPNCA).
“Our English school board members work daily for the benefit of the students. The time for the government to negotiate seriously was long past due. We are very pleased with the result”, stated Éric Pronovost, president of the FPSS-CSQ.
The agreement reached on June 13, at 12:02 covers the renewal of the S12 and S13 collective agreements, which concern English school board support staff and English school board bus drivers, respectively, and applies until March 31, 2023. This agreement will be presented to the representatives of the Townships Regional Union of Support Staff (TRUSS-CSQ) and the Eastern Shores Union Support Staff (ESUSS-CSQ) before the end of the day today. Once a global agreement, including intersectoral matters which remain pending, is concluded, the entire agreement will be presented to the members.