27 June 2018

We want to preserve the precious bond that unites us. Talking to you enables us to understand your daily experiences and make sure our information on the realities of support staff is up-to-date. After meeting with members from the Outaouais, Laval, the Gaspésie and the Îles-de-la-Madeleine, I still maintain that our schools need support.
When we intervene with the government and in the public arena, we have to keep in mind differences between school boards. Some defend the interests of the members we represent, others show nothing but contempt.
By being constantly up-to-date with changes to your working conditions, we can take action to ensure that adverse decisions taken by school boards do not influence other school boards to follow suit. It also enables us to intervene with the government when budgetary rules or pronouncements made by the Minister of Education are misinterpreted.
Discussions with you also help us to identify better strategies to move forward in the same direction.
In concerted actions with unions affiliated to the FPSS-CSQ, we took the opportunity to condemn local problems that need to be corrected. Whether they relate to facilities, labour shortages, budget cuts, or anything else that affects us, we are met with media to inform them about what’s going on in each region.
You can follow us on our Facebook page, on YouTube, on Twitter and on Instagram. You can find all the links on our fpss.lacsq.org website, along with our newsletter. Subscribe to make sure you don’t miss anything.
Proud of what we do
I say it over and over again, but I think it’s very important. We must be proud of what we do, all of the things we accomplish in our institutions and our centers. School support staff are indispensable.
We mustn’t be shy about expressing ourselves, being visible, taking our place, seizing every opportunity to remind ourselves that we should be consulted on all issues that concern us. Get involved and make a commitment to change things.
Coming back in the fall
Along with Éric and Pierre, I will continue my tour through other regions of Quebec this fall to meet with you. The theme of our last Congress still resonates. We need to remain “united and committed”.
Mélanie Renaud, Vice President of Communications, the Secretariat and the Treasury
L’article Meeting passionate people! est apparu en premier sur FPSS-CSQ.