27 August 2018

For many, the approaching holidays are a time when they have to make a choice. Changes staffing requirements for the next school year mean that some positions will be abolished and others created.
The assignment meetings held at the end of June or in August are stressful. What should I do? Choose another school? Increase or decrease the number of hours I work?
Choosing well
It is not insignificant that many members are accompanied by people they trust. Changing where you work means working with new colleagues and new children, in an environment with new managers and new management styles
Criteria for making this decision vary from one person to another. As does the importance attached to each element. Whether it’s a choice to reduce travel time and be closer to home, to increase your working hours, or to experience new challenges, I hope everything works out for you. As long as there are positions that are right for you, it’s your choice.
Keep your eyes open
There are sometimes big surprises when staffing lists are published. Even though all budgets are indexed for the coming year, some school boards make bad decisions to cut, even when the ministry is increasing funding.
Don’t be shy about asking questions or consulting your union representative to verify certain information. You are the eyes and ears of your union. When you provide early warning of anomalies, you give your union time to correct them. The number of positions should be based on needs. Your vigilance will help make the whole process more transparent and equitable.
The Education Minister has promised reinvestment, and this should be reflected in our schools. There cannot logically be any reductions of services.
Pierre Provençal, Vice President of Labour Relations and Professional Affairs
L’article Choosing a position est apparu en premier sur FPSS-CSQ.