4 May 2020

The MÉES has just published additional information. Here are the new elements most relevant to school support staff.
No microwaves in the daycares (Q47)
Students must bring a cold meal or a hot meal in a thermos. The Breakfast Club will continue its activities.
School libraries (Q35)
They will remain closed.
Vocational training (Q62 to Q67)
Exams may be held as long as distancing is respected.
Apprenticeships can begin in half-groups, beginning on May 11 or May 19, depending on the region.
The center teams shall decide on how meals and other needs will be arranged.
It will be possible to resume internships.
General adult education (Q68)
It will be possible to access the centers to take ministry exams in half-groups beginning on May 11 or 19, depending on the region.
Salary of a person who contracts Covid-19 (Q100)
The CNESST stipulates that workers who contract COVID-19 while on the job may be entitled to the usual benefits and services offered by the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases. Click on the following link for more details:
The regular salary insurance plan will apply to workers who contract COVID-19 outside of work and are unfit for work (unable to perform a teleworking job). Their bank of sick-leave days will be debited during the waiting period.
Employees who contract COVID-19 outside of work but remain able to work and perform telework, will continue to be receive their salaries and their bank of sick-leave days will therefore not be debited.
Salary of a person who refuses to work (Q101)
The Act respecting occupational health and safety gives workers the right to refuse to perform work if they have reasonable grounds to believe the performance of this work poses a risk to their health, safety or physical integrity. The CNESST guide, specially prepared for the education sector and which will be distributed soon, will shed some light on this subject. Workers who exercise this right of refusal cannot be dismissed. They continue to receive their salaries and no sanctions can be imposed on them. If an employer thinks an employee is abusing this right, they must prove it.
The CNESST makes a distinction between the concept of “risk” and “danger”. If you refuse to work, you must contact your local union to find out your rights and obligations.
Workers assigned to the health sector will remain there (Q107)
As long as there is a need for the education sector employees assigned to the health sector, they will remain in the health sector. The centers must make the necessary arrangements to resume teaching those students whose teachers have yet to be released from the health sector.