15 March 2020

The Fédération du personnel de soutien scolaire is shocked
The Fédération du personnel de soutien scolaire is not wasting any time reacting to the announced non-renewal of the attraction and retention premiums for specialized workers.
The Treasury Board made the announcement yesterday, on the sly, despite the joint report with the employer party which recommended the premiums be maintained for the duration of the next collective agreement.
“I have a hard time believing that a Caquiste government that loudly proclaims that education is a priority, can take such decisions! If the premiums are not maintained, the government will no longer be an attractive employer at all. Where exactly will our students go if there is no one left to maintain our schools?” says Fédération du personnel de soutien scolaire President Éric Pronovost
Premiums to increase attraction
The primary purpose of these premiums is to narrow the wage gap between public and private sector employees so as to make public service jobs more attractive.
Offering competitive wages obviously helps us deal with the labour shortage. Cancelling the premiums makes no sense when the shortage is presently more acute than ever. This only makes the problem worse in our establishments.
The CAQ: divide and rule
The government of François Legault is adding insult to injury. Not only is it not renewing premiums for CSQ members, it also has the audacity to renew it for other unions. An obviously divisive tactic in the context of current negotiations.
“We will not let this happen. We will not accept this. We stated in a negotiating session this morning that the government must take action to rectify this situation. We are eagerly awaiting their response,” says Pronovost.
Reminder of past events
In 2015, the government introduced these 10% premiums in response to pressure from various unions, including the CSQ. The primary purpose of these premiums was to narrow the wage gap between workers in school boards and those in the private sector.